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GED Testing Facts

Earning a Credential in Kansas

The State of Kansas awards the Kansas State High School Diploma to those meeting the appropriate criteria.

About the GED® Tests

The GED Tests provide adults who did not complete a formal high school program the opportunity to certify their attainment of high school-level academic knowledge and skills.

The tests are field-tested and normed on graduating high school seniors before becoming final test forms.

The GED Tests are currently offered only in a computer-based format at Official GED Testing Centers.

History of the GED Tests

1942: American Council on Education® (ACE) was commissioned to measure high school instructional outcomes for military personnel and veterans who had not completed high school.

1947: New York became first state to make tests available to non-veteran adults.

1974: GED credential issued in all 50 U.S. states.

There have been five GED Tests Series

1942 Series

1978 Series

1988 Series

2002 Series

2014 Series

Who Accepts the GED Credential

98% of colleges and universities that require a high school diploma accept the GED credential. (Annual Survey of Colleges 2007. Copyright ® 2007. The College Board.)

96% of companies accept applicants with a GED credential for jobs requiring a high school degree. (Society for Human Resource Management, 2002)

Renowned GED Credential Recipients

Ruth Ann Minner, Governor of Delaware

Mary Lou Retton, Olympic Medal-Winner

Dave Thomas, Founder of Wendy's

Honorable Greg Mathis, U.S. District Court Judge

Gretchen Wilson, Country Music Musician

Richard Carmona, Former U.S. Surgeon General

Michael J. Fox, Actor and Advocate

Wally Amos, Founder of Famous Amos Cookies

Adult Education Classes

We offer adult education classes to assist students in the following: GED preparation, basic math and reading skills, employment skills, and college preparation and transition. Individuals completing the adult education classes will have the opportunity to earn a GED, Basic Computer Skills certificate, and the Kansas Work Ready certificate.

Adult education classes are open to students sixteen and older. Students under eighteen must have a Parental Waiver for Compulsory Attendance in order to attend class. These forms are obtained from the last school district the student attended.

Attendance at a three day orientation class is mandatory. Regular class times are Monday through Thursday from 1-3pm, and 4-6pm. The adult education center is located on the lower level of the Chapman Learning Center (CAVE).

Based on the results of your assessment during orientation, staff members will develop and individualized a plan to help you achieve your goals. In order to be eligible to take the GED examination, you must have completed all of the adult education class requirements, passed all required exams, and have a valid government issued photo identification card.

The cost for the class is $35 which covers college entrance testing, basic computer certification, and WorkKeys WorkReady Employment Skills Test. The GED test fee is $132 ($33 per module) due when you register for the test.

Upon successful completion of the examination, you will be issued a diploma by the Kansas State Department of Education. Scholarships are available for those individuals scoring into honors range.

Please call (800) 729-6222 or (620) 432-0368 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Eastern Kansas Adult Education Locations

EKAE staff members will be happy to assist you in answering all of your questions about adult education classes and taking the GED test.


Neosho County Community College- Chanute

800 W. 14th St. Chanute, KS 66720

Angela Rowan - (620) 432.0368

Sandi Lingerfelt - (620) 432.0393

USD #290/NCCC-Ottawa

900 E. Logan St. Ottawa, KS 66067

Jane Morton - (785) 248.2819


Independence Community College

2564 Brookside Dr. Independence, KS 67301

Rachel Koszalka - (620) 332-5631


Fort Scott Community College

2108 S. Horton Fort Scott, KS 66701

Aubrey Duft (620) 223-2700 Ext. 4400


Labette Community College

200 S. 14th St. Parsons, KS 67357

Veronica Polak - (620) 820-1124

Karen Barger - (620) 820-1125

All Aboard Center

216 N. Broadway Pittsburg, KS 66762

Jamie Collier - (620) 308-2129 ext. 5030